All fields at Ekeberg ready for Norway Cup

Great news from the field crew: the grass is drying, and all fields will be ready for matches starting Monday morning. This means full speed ahead at Ekebergsletta for the biggest Norway Cup ever.

- It was the right decision to move today's matches. Now everything is set for a great grass surface that will last for the rest of the tournament, says Øystein Sundelin, Chairman of Norway Cup.

He thanks participants and volunteers for handling the relocation of matches so well.

-There has been an incredible effort from both the teams and the volunteers to make this happen. Now it's time to enjoy the rest of the week, says Øystein Sundelin.

The matches that have been relocated to Haraløkka and Manglerud will still be played at these locations.

Opening parts of the parking area

The grass parking area has also been completely closed. Starting Monday morning, parts of the parking area will reopen.

-There will still be significant limitations, but we will open three of the fields tomorrow and hope to gradually open the rest throughout the week, says Øystein Sundelin.

Norway Cup encourages everyone to continue using public transportation.