Age groups 2025We reserve the right to cancel categories if less than 20 teams are registered Age Categories Girls Boys 11 aside 11 aside 18/19 y/o born after 1.1.2006 18/19 y/o born after 1.1.2006 17 y/o born after 1.1.2008 17 y/o born after 1.1.2008 16 y/o born after 1.1.2009 16 y/o born after 1.1.2009 15 y/o born after 1.1.2010 15 y/o born after 1.1.2010 14 y/o born after 1.1.2011 14 y/o born after 1.1.2011 9 aside 9 aside 13 y/o born after 1.1.2012 13 y/o born after 1.1.2012 12 y/o born after 1.1.2013 (only for children from the Nordic countries and the Barents region) 12 y/o born after 1.1.2013 (only for children from the Nordic countries and the Barents region) 7 aside 7 aside 15/16 y/o born after 1.1.2009 15/16 y/o born after 1.1.2009 13/14 y/o born after 1.1.2011 13/14 y/o born after 1.1.2011 11 y/o born after 1.1.2014 (only teams from the nordic countries) 11 y/o born after 1.1.2014 (only teams from the nordic countries) Playing Periods17/18/19 y/o: 2 x 30 min15/16 y/o: 2 x 25 min13/14 y/o 2 x 20 min10/11/12 y/o 2 x 15 minUnified : 2x15 min, Sist endret 15.01.2025 10:00