The referee registration for Norway Cup 2025 is open! We need referees for the world's largest football tournament for children and youth! In order to carry out Norway Cup, we need over 400 referees and 7...
Would you like to play more? We are trying to arrange training matches for teams that feel they haven't had enough of the cup!
Norwegian People's Aid is at Norway Cup Norwegian People's Aid will be present at Norway Cup throughout the week.
All fields at Ekeberg ready for Norway Cup Great news from the field crew: the grass is drying, and all fields will be ready for matches starting Monday morning. This means full speed ahead at ...
How to find the right field Today's match schedule has now been changed. Please check our website for the updated schedule. Note that both the match times and fields have been al...
Matches in the 11 and 12-Year-Old Age Groups Canceled for Sunday, July 28th Due to wet fields at Ekeberg, most matches have been moved to reserve fields. However, Norway Cup does not have enough reserve fields to accommodate t...
Moving Matches from Ekebergsletta In collaboration with the Agency for Urban Environment, Norway Cup has inspected all the fields at Ekeberg. Following the inspection, Norway Cup has d...
Streaming of matches during Norway Cup We follow the regulations and guidelines set by NIF (Norwegian Sports Federation) for streaming. This means that only players over the age of 15 can b...