Meals and menu

Information regarding meals and menu will be published consectively. All meals served in Ekeberghallen are lactose- and gluten-free. Product information for the various dishes will also be published. 

Menu Norway Cup 2023
Date Day Lunch Dinner
29. July Saturday Chicken Tikka with rice
Meat patty with vegetables, potatoes, and gravy
30. July Sunday Tomatsuppe med og uten makaroni m/krønsj Sausage with mashed potatoes
Beef with rice
31. July Monday Indisk Baligryte med kylling Fish cakes with potatoes, vegetables, and gravy
Creamy chicken stew with rice
1. August Tuesday Taco gryte Meatballs with gravy, potatoes, and vegetables
Salmon with sour cream sauce, vegetables, and potatoes
2. August Wednesday Pasta bolognese Chicken with rice and crispy vegetables
Cod with sauce hollandaise, potatoes and vegetables
3. August Thursdag Pølsegryte Stew with crispy vegetables and rice
4. August Friday Cilli con carne Arctic burger with sour cream sauce, vegetables, and potatoes
Chicken in curry with rice
5. August Saturday Spareribs

There will be large banners outside the entrance of Ekeberghallen on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, where the menus will be presented. The different tables are marked with pictures and explanations of what is served at each table.

All meat is halal-slaughtered, and there will always be gluten-free and lactose-free alternatives available for each meal.


6.30 - 10 am in school or hotels


11.30 am -3 pm   Lunch in Ekeberg sports hall


3.30 pm -9 pm    Dinner in Ekeberg Sports hall. Saturday 5th of August the lunch/dinner will be served at 11.30am -5pm